Parents Can Make A Difference In Their Child’s Dental Health

As a parent, you want to take the best care of your child. In order to do this, you need to take great care of your child's teeth. Children's dental care is not always all about telling your child how to brush properly. There are actually other steps you can take to see positive results. Model Good Dental Behavior Parents often overlook one of the simplest ways they can encourage good dental health: modelling the behaviour they want to see in their child. Read More 

3 Issues That Require Emergency Dental Care

Like adults, children's dental issues can occur despite maintaining good oral hygiene. However, some of these problems may be difficult to diagnose since they are painless. Parents must check on their children's teeth and gums for visible signs that may necessitate emergency dental care.  Here are 3 kids' dental issues that require emergency dental care.  1. Toothache and Jaw Pain If your child complains of a toothache, the first thing would be to give them a safe pain medication as you ponder the next step. Read More 

3 Questions To Ask When Meeting With A New Dentist For The First Time

It is natural to get a little stressed out and wonder what the experience will be like when it comes time to meet with a new dentist. Here are three questions you should ask during your first meeting that can help make subsequent visits more pleasurable and less stressful: Who Works in the Office Daily? It is a good idea to get to know the dentist's office staff during your first appointment to make sure that you feel comfortable around all of them. Read More